How FIRE Semester 1 students join a FIRE stream.
Process Overview
How will you learn about ​FIRE streams?
Submit your stream preferences by completing Stream Preferencing form by the deadline.
After receiving your FIRE stream placement, complete the process by enrolling in the stream's section of FIRE Semester 2.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the essential dates I need to know?
Preferencing Begins: September 30, 2025 at 5:30 PM
Preferencing Closes: October 3, 2025
Outcomes Sent: by October 17, 2025 (end of day)
Registration for FIRE Semester 2 Deadline: December 11, 2025 (you must register for your assigned FIRE stream by the end of the day on this date or lose your assigned spot).
Registration for any FIRE Stream with Open Seats Begins: Around December 12, 2025 through the add/drop period of Spring 2026 (the first two weeks of classes). All FIRE Semester 1 students will receive an email when Open Enrollment starts.
What should I look for in potential streams?
All FIRE streams were created to help students advance personally and professionally. The following factors could help guide your thinking as you form stream preferences:
What research skills will you gain and how might they help you in future opportunities?
Does the research subject interest you?
Will the FIRE stream's section of FIRE Semester 2 work with your spring schedule?
We advise that you consider both FIRE streams that are related to and potentially not related to your field of study. FIRE is an opportunity for you to explore and grow.
Does my section of FIRE Semester 1 affect which streams I can preference?
No. FIRE students are eligible for any FIRE stream, regardless of their section of FIRE Semester 1.
How do I submit my stream preferences?
FIRE​ Semester 1 students will submit their preferences when they complete the FIRE Semester 1 assessment on Stream Preferencing.
This assessment will be available on Canvas.
Students must submit the form by the assessment's deadline on Canvas (see "Preferencing Closes" in the dates at the top of this page).
Will the timing of my submission impact my stream preferencing outcome?
No. All submissions completed by the deadline will be treated equally.
When will I learn which FIRE stream I am in?
We will work as quickly as possible to review everyone's FIRE stream preferences. Our goal is to communicate outcomes within two weeks of the stream preferencing form's deadline (see "Preferencing Closes" in the dates at the top of this page).
What do I do if I can register for spring classes before I hear back?
We will communicate FIRE stream placement outcomes as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we encourage you to build a full spring schedule but leave enough space for FIRE Semester 2 (a 2-credit course).
Is there a deadline for stream registration?
Once you have been notified of your FIRE stream assignment, you will have until the "Registration for FIRE Semester 2 Deadline" (see dates at the top of this page) to register for your FIRE stream's FIRE Semester 2 course section.
This deadline will also be communicated when stream placement outcomes are announced.
If you are not registered for your stream by this date, you could potentially lose your spot.
How will stream placements be determined?
You will use the stream preferencing form to report which streams interest you and why. We will review all students' information to connect everyone to FIRE streams based on stream capacity and students' goals and interests.
Can I change streams after I am assigned?
We understand that situations can change and either your spring availability or your interests may have changed since communicating preference information.
FIRE will hold spots for you and other FIRE students in your assigned streams during the initial spring registration period through the "Registration for FIRE Semester 2 Deadline" (see dates at the top of this page).
After all FIRE students have a chance to register for spring classes, FIRE students are able to switch to any FIRE stream with open seats. Students will be notified when this change takes place with the predicted date being "Registration for any FIRE Stream with Open Seats" (see the dates at the top of this page).
​​Predicted Spring 2025 Research Setting Hours
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​FIRE Semester 2 requires a minimum commitment of 4 hours/week in an on-campus research environment. The Predicted Spring 2025 hours are provided below to assist you in selecting a stream that works for your schedule. ​
This commitment is in addition to the class meeting, which is listed on Testudo.
Additional questions about the stream preferencing process can be sent to FIRE's Assistant Program Director, Dr. Carol Vieira (