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All students who complete the 3-semester FIRE experience have the opportunity to present their research annually at The FIRE Summit.

Each year hundreds of FIRE students completing their 3-semester FIRE experience have the opportunity to present their research accomplishments to a broad audience of UMD faculty, students, administrators, and staff members.

Date & Time: December 11, 2025 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Location: Iribe Center



If you are a FIRE Semester 3 student, you have the opportunity to present your research. Your FIRE Faculty Leader will coordinate with your stream.


​Research presenters who need a device for their presentation, should bring a fully charged laptop to The FIRE Summit.


If you are a FIRE Semester 1 student, you are encouraged to attend the event and engage with students presenting their research. The FIRE Summit is a great opportunity to come meet the people in the research stream you will join in FIRE Semester 2, especially future Peer Research Mentors and FIRE Faculty Leader. â€‹


Guests, on-campus colleagues, and faculty collaborators are also invited to attend The FIRE Summit.


Is attendance/participation mandatory for FIRE students​?
No, however it is highly encouraged. The FIRE Summit is an opportunity for FIRE Semester 3 students to present their accomplishments to a wide audience. For FIRE Semester 1 students, it is the best opportunity to engage with students already in their future stream and learn more about their experiences.

What do I do if I cannot attend some or all of The FIRE Summit?
If you are part of a team that is presenting its research at The FIRE Summit, you should let your FIRE Faculty Leader know and coordinate with your team members. Your team may be able to find a timeslot that works for you. If you are unable to attend The FIRE Summit at all, please continue to support the development of your team's presentation.

If you are a FIRE Semester 1 student and can only attend part of The FIRE Summit, plan to arrive  promptly and attend at least one presentation by the research stream you will join in FIRE Semester 2. This will be the best opportunity to come meet future Peer Research Mentors and the FIRE Faculty Leader. 

Is there a dress code?
Participants are not required to dress up for the occasion.  If you have a FIRE t-shirt, though, consider wearing it to the event.

Who do I contact to request a reasonable accommodation?
FIRE is committed to creating an inclusive and accessible event. If you need a reasonable accommodation, please contact Ashley Harper. All requests must be made by November 24. We will attempt to implement late requests but cannot guarantee they will be met.

Additional questions can be sent to FIRE's Assistant Program Director, Dr. Carol Vieira (

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